Ashvances in Tephra Hazard Modelling: Silvia Massaro and Edwin Telenchana (15:30 UTC, 24 February 2025)

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From: Thomas Aubry <thom.aubry@xxxxxxxxx>

Dear colleagues,

We are excited to announce our next Ashvances in Tephra seminar, organised
by the IAVCEI Commission for Tephra Hazard Modelling. The time for this
seminar will be 15.30 UTC on February 24 2025. Please register using this
use this time zone converter
check the time of the event in your time zone.

It is our pleasure to welcome *Dr Silvia Massaro* (University of Bari and
INGV Bologna, Italy) and *Dr Edwin Telenchana* (Instituto Geofísico of the
Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ecuador) as our speakers. They will be

   - Silvia Massaro: *On the long-term multi-source probabilistic hazard
   assessment posed by tephra fallout: an example from Neapolitan volcanoes*
   - Edwin Telenchana: *Record of eruptions occurred in the northern Andes
   during the Holocene: New results obtained from the Potrerillos peatbog,
   Chiles-Cerro Negro Volcanic Complex*

We recognise that the time of this event will not be amenable to everyone.
We aim to rotate our seminars around different time zones as much as
possible to reach audience members from across the globe and give everyone
an equal and fair chance to participate in the seminars.

We are always looking out for new speakers in future seminars. We aim to
hold a seminar every quarter (c. 3 months), with each seminar lasting for
about an hour. Two speakers will be allocated 15-20-minute talks with 5-10
minutes for questions. The last 10 minutes will be kept for general
discussions, e.g., how the Tephra Hazard Modelling Commission can serve you
better, and socializing/networking. At least one of the talks will be by an
early-career researcher, and we will use this seminar series to showcase
the work of researchers with backgrounds underrepresented in volcanology.
Time zones will be selected based on the location(s) of speakers and we
will aim to rotate these as much as possible to reach audience members from
across the globe and give everyone an equal and fair chance to participate
in the seminars. We aim that by having two talks per seminar, each session
will cover multiple topics, including but not limited to numerical
modelling, field studies, laboratory experiments and risk
communication/management. *Please use this  form *
register your interest in being a speaker or suggest a student/colleague*.
We particularly encourage (self-) nomination of diverse and early career

We look forward to welcoming you to what promises to be a fantastic
seminar. *Please don't forget that you can sign up to our commission and
mailing list anytime at **this link*

All the best,

Alastair, Paul and Thomas

Co-chairs of IAVCEIâ??s Tephra Hazard Modelling Commission



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