8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8 From: Thomas Aubry <thom.aubry@xxxxxxxxx> Dear all, On behalf of the IAVCEI Tephra Hazard Modelling Commission, I just wanted to remind you that the IAVCEI 2025 scientific assembly <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://sa2025.iavceivolcano.org/__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!YQpn6fT7WJbUX4aruAPy_iTuQt2uqdlPhf3XlazaI9mwCBJhBUCYz1PQmvOcXRVMhIs2DCUqktwpUxqVc028bP5MWg$> will be in Geneva, Switzerland, from June 29 - July 4 2025, and that it promises to be an incredible IAVCEI if you are interested in tephra hazard and volcanic plumes! The deadline for abstract submission is January 10. *Selected relevant sessions:* - The role of water in volcanic eruptions and their products (conveners: Alastair Hodgetts, Larry Mastin, Matteo Cerminara, Alison Graettinger) - Dynamics of volcanic eruption plumes: models and observations (conveners: Jonathan Lemus, David Jessop, Paul Jarvis, Audrey Michaud-Dubuy, Simona Scollo) - Operational hazard forecasts: source parameters and model evaluation (conveners: Natalia Deligne, Thomas Aubry, Samantha Engwell, Annalisa Cappello) *Selected relevant workshops:* - Volcanic plume benchmarking exercise: integrating field, observations, numerical simulations, and analogue experiments <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://sa2025.iavceivolcano.org/workshop-5/__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!YQpn6fT7WJbUX4aruAPy_iTuQt2uqdlPhf3XlazaI9mwCBJhBUCYz1PQmvOcXRVMhIs2DCUqktwpUxqVc02ZRivxPA$>(organizers: David E. Jessop, Thomas J. Aubry, Audrey Michaud-Dubuy, Guillaume Carazzo, Matteo Cerminara, Thomas Giachetti) - Grain size analysis of volcanic ash: Methods intercomparison and best practices <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://sa2025.iavceivolcano.org/workshop-6/__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!YQpn6fT7WJbUX4aruAPy_iTuQt2uqdlPhf3XlazaI9mwCBJhBUCYz1PQmvOcXRVMhIs2DCUqktwpUxqVc01itzo6ww$> (organizers: Alexa Van Eaton, Samantha Engwell, Julia Eychenne, David Damby, Thomas Jones, Johanne Schmith, Hannah Buckland) - Volcanic ash: strengthening the connection between operational response and research <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://sa2025.iavceivolcano.org/workshop-10/__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!YQpn6fT7WJbUX4aruAPy_iTuQt2uqdlPhf3XlazaI9mwCBJhBUCYz1PQmvOcXRVMhIs2DCUqktwpUxqVc02AqN3eWQ$> (organizers: Thomas Aubry, Frances Beckett, Samantha Engwell, Paul Jarvis, David Schneider) These are only sessions/workshops in which the tephra hazard modelling commission had direct involvement, but there is more! Last but not least, the Tephra Hazard Modelling Commission will initiate a special publication on all things tephra hazard published jointly by the American Geophysical Union and the Geological Society. We hope that it will open for submission in March 2025 (and stay open ~18 months) so stay tuned and consider it for submitting the exciting research you'll present at IAVCEI. We hope to see you in Geneva for an exciting week of tephra hazard science! IAVCEI Tephra Hazard Modelling Commission Paul, Alastair and Thomas 8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8 ------------------------------