USGS Position Announcements - Denver, CO

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From: "Peterson, Dana E" <dpeterson@xxxxxxxx>

*Theâ?¯USGSâ?¯Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center (GGGSC)
Denver, Colorado, is looking to hire multiple geophysicists to join a
vibrant team working on a range of resource (minerals, groundwater),
hazards (volcanic, seismic, space weather) and framework geologic studies.
Our broad-based team of research and operational staff includes expertise
in electromagnetic, potential-field, remote sensing, electrical, and
seismic geophysics. GGGSC is a leader in the field of airborne geophysics
and is heavily involved in the decade-long Earth Mapping Resources
Initiative: **

*We seek to hire several term positions with duties involving a mix of
field data acquisition, data processing, technical writing, and preparing
data for public releases. The work also involves considerable interfacing
with staff geologists, geochemists, and economic geologists. Term
positions, with possible extensions up to 10 years, are availableâ?¯atâ?¯the
GS-7 and GS-9 grade levels
depending upon education, skills and qualifications. The announcement is
open now through 1/16/25 on USAJobs and can be found at:

*A separate announcement for a GS-13 level permanent supervisory
geophysicist can be found at
and is open until 1/10/25.*

*Any questions about these positions can be sent to Paul Bedrosian at
pbedrosian@xxxxxxxx <pbedrosian@xxxxxxxx> or Dana Peterson at
dpeterson@xxxxxxxx <dpeterson@xxxxxxxx>.*



Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University
(ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP)
of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and
the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's
Interior (IAVCEI).





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End of Volcano Digest - 18 Dec 2024 to 20 Dec 2024 (#2024-111)

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