3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3 From: "Iezzi, Alex M" <aiezzi@xxxxxxxx> Dear Colleagues, We would like to send a reminder that there will be TWO opportunities to showcase Early Career Researchers (ECRs) and their work at the IAVCEI Scientific Assembly 2025! The ECR plenary session is new to IAVCEI and was first implemented during the 2023 IAVCEI Scientific Assembly meeting with a resounding success. For the upcoming conference, we continue this new tradition and add even more time for ECRs to highlight their research in a special dedicated session. *The first opportunity: Plenary Session* In addition to the typical senior plenary sessions, a half-hour session will also be held each day to showcase excellent early-career researchers. One researcher will showcase their work in each half-hour session. There will be a total of *4 ECR plenary speakers throughout the week*. The proposed topic should be in addition to an abstract submission and should be broader in scope than a typical conference presentation. *The second opportunity: The Future of Volcanology* In addition to the plenary sessions, there will also be a 30-minute session each day titled â??Theme 8: The Future of Volcanologyâ??. This is an excellent opportunity for ECRs to discuss how they push the boundaries of our current understanding of volcanology with their research and what the future of volcanology may look like! In this session, we invite applications for two 15-minute presentations each day, for a total of *8 speakers throughout the week**.* For both of these opportunities, the researcher must have a PhD and be within 8 years of finishing their PhD or hold a professional job and have less than 8 years of professional volcano-related research experience. This time does not include parental or other relevant leave, with the 8 years counted up to 2025. We particularly encourage applications from historically under-represented groups. *Please note that you must be attending in person to be considered *and you may also consider applying for travel support grants (https://sa2025.iavceivolcano.org/travel-grants/ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://sa2025.iavceivolcano.org/travel-grants/__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!YQyKLbSFRc8B0fis4pIdtzNKB39SKX19Uo7H_qXrskkanwONeDQxyVZVWTyGFHzgtjd_k5PpRkHfTtAwBK5RoT-VSQ$> ). *Applications and further details can be downloaded at:* https://ecrnet.iavceivolcano.org/early-career-researcher-plenary-session-application/ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://ecrnet.iavceivolcano.org/early-career-researcher-plenary-session-application/__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!YQyKLbSFRc8B0fis4pIdtzNKB39SKX19Uo7H_qXrskkanwONeDQxyVZVWTyGFHzgtjd_k5PpRkHfTtAwBK7LsplvYw$> *Applications are* *DUE on December 20th, 2024* and should be submitted via email to Alex Iezzi at aiezzi@xxxxxxxx <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://aiezzi@usgs.gov__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!YQyKLbSFRc8B0fis4pIdtzNKB39SKX19Uo7H_qXrskkanwONeDQxyVZVWTyGFHzgtjd_k5PpRkHfTtAwBK5h-ITGTQ$>, Sandy Drymoni at kyriaki.drymoni@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, and/or Joali Paredes-Mariño at joa.paredes.marino@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://joa.paredes.marino@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!ZpYY1yxMWkgyWAsN2Lol6St5cZnEsT_9TyKGx0JkpDz5gV0-BOka7QZKFxQbsnSBrgg1py3pTkQjtclwN25YEa6xXg$>. Feel free to also reach out to us if you have any questions! 3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3 ------------------------------