2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 From: Lucia Dominguez <Lucia.Dominguez@xxxxxxxx> Dear colleagues, Would you like to share your abilities of *science communication *about volcanoes with the public in Geneva? Our session at the 2025 IAVCEI conference is a fantastic opportunity to do it! Developing science communication strategies bridges* volcanology and society*, encouraging scientific curiosity and empowering general public to think critically about natural hazards. We call abstracts of individual or research teams interested to propose *interactive activities* around volcanoes (how they work, their effects, etc.) to the *general public *of all ages. Geneva, being an international city, didactic activities and science demonstrations can be offered in English, French, German, Spanish, or Italian! This should be specified in the abstract. *Deadline*? December 20, 2024 *Abstract details:* - language (English, French, German, Spanish, or Italian) - duration of demonstrations (timing) - specific needs (space, materials) *Where to submit*? https://on-line-form.eu/iavcei2025sa/abstracts/index.php?coo=1 <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://on-line-form.eu/iavcei2025sa/abstracts/index.php?coo=1__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!ex64IZhUG-LH6x06D55nQMBdocbWjoTe4ox04igsw9rQpmmMkB12uQ6oHwOHvjHOQkwLCsUT4ukeUjKt6l0qZvyMzA$> Theme 7 - *Enhancing volcanoes understanding: science communication demonstrations to communicate knowledge with the public* Looking forward to receive your ideas! See you soon, Lucia Dominguez, Allan Fries, Simon Thivet, Jonathan Lemus, Mélanie Gretz 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 ------------------------------