8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8 From: John Eichelberger <jceichelberger@xxxxxxxxxx> Open call for abstracts! Krafla Magma Testbed (KMT) is an extraordinary scientific endeavour aspiring to establish the *worldâ??s first magma observatory* â?? an international, open access research facility with in-situ access to magma at Krafla volcano, northeastern Iceland. *The KMT Global Magma Symposium is an opportunity to get involved with this pioneering venture. * Under the theme â??Together, toward a greener and safer futureâ??, the KMT Symposium aims to gather the scientific community, mainly in the fields of the geosciences, planetary science, and deep-drilling engineering, to exchange knowledge relevant to the Krafla system. At the symposium, the KMT vision will be introduced and the KMT team will review the current knowledge of the Krafla volcanic and geothermal systems, providing an opportunity to get involved with this ground-breaking initiative as it rapidly gains momentum. The symposium will take place in *Munich on April 10-12, 2024*. We invite all interested parties to submit their abstracts now by filling out this form <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.microsoft.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=h6x_BbWxPkqEt5PqnlL7KSBzAbM8FVRFkeBMdnVh7zdUMlRZT1A2VEEyRjRaRzRGQkw2S1VOUE9DNyQlQCN0PWcu&origin=lprLink__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!eHV_TuDO9576V-_uJkOAhLpSB0pvaXCd_eHq8wFC--qpclhEZ0P3y-sAjngfBfHQHiyWrMRUMziFOMLqvA6upjPbbvQ$>. The deadline for submitting abstracts is *February 9*. All relevant information on the event can be found on the KMT Website <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://kmt.is/the-krafla-magma-testbed-symposium/__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!eHV_TuDO9576V-_uJkOAhLpSB0pvaXCd_eHq8wFC--qpclhEZ0P3y-sAjngfBfHQHiyWrMRUMziFOMLqvA6ucAf0Fm4$> . Registration for the Symposium will open in January, and the registration fee is expected to be in the order of â?¬120. This includes full access to the Symposium, starting at noon on April 10 and concluding at noon on April 12, and lunch on April 11. Please direct all inquiries to info@xxxxxx. We welcome any questions related to the Symposium and to the Krafla Magma Testbed in general. 8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8 ------------------------------