AGU Fall Meeting Session - Magmatic Sedimentology: a Critical Appraisal of Crystal Re-distribution in Plutons

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From: Marian Holness <marian@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>


Dear Colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to the following session at the 2019
AGU Fall Meeting.

*V031 - Magmatic Sedimentology: a Critical Appraisal of Crystal
Re-distribution in Plutons*

Many plutons preserve magmatic structures that bear a geometric resemblance
to those in sedimentary rocks. Examples include mineral grading in layering
apparently formed by hydrodynamical sorting, trough-like structures with
local truncations consistent with erosion and re-deposition, fluid escape
and loading structures, and fabrics defined by preferred grain orientations.

We know little about the scale and mechanisms of crystal re-distribution
during convection and magmatic flow in igneous bodies despite this playing
a vital role in magmatic evolution. Solving the problem requires an
understanding of the fluid dynamical behaviour of cohesive, particle-rich,
high-viscosity systems undergoing solidification with or without an
externally-imposed stress. A critical part of the solution will involve the
development of robust proxies to decode the record of crystal
re-distribution in now fully-solidified plutonic rocks. We welcome
contributions from field, laboratory and theoretical studies of mass
transport in solidifying magmatic systems, from layered mafic intrusions to

We are delighted to have *George Bergantz* (talk title: Forces, friction
and fabric: microstructural controls on common plutonic fabrics) and *Roberto
Weinberg* (talk title: Crystal - melt separation in magmas: the field
evidence) as invited speakers. Please consider submitting an abstract by
the *July 31 deadline*. We are looking forward to an stimulating AGU Fall

Best wishes from the session convenors
Marian Holness (Cambridge)
Scott Paterson (University Southern California)
Katie Ardill (University Southern California)
Charlotte Gordon (Cambridge)


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