Volcano Geophysics PhD Opportunity in New Zealand:

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From: Craig Miller <C.Miller@xxxxxxxxxx>


*Volcano Geophysics PhD Opportunity:*

*Shallow crustal controls on monogenetic volcanism from multiparameter
geophysical studies.*

A PhD studentship at University of Auckland, funded by Devora (Determining
Volcanic Risk for Auckland; http://www.devora.org.nz/), is available to
investigate outstanding questions on two intraplate basaltic volcanic
fields in New Zealand. These are the Auckland Volcanic Field (AVF) and the
Whangarei Volcanic field (WVF), both in the northern North Island of New

At both the AVF and WVF the role of basement structure in controlling dyke
ascent and final eruption location is poorly understood.  Beneath the AVF
the Mesozoic basement/Miocene Waitemata Group contact is a major physical
property contrast that may affect the propagation of dykes towards the
surface and act as an important control on the last critical stages of
magma ascent to the surface, where a city of 1.5 million people is now

To test the hypothesis that the shallow crust influences individual volcano
locations, the student will use a range of high resolution geophysical
techniques to create a 3D model of the buried basement topography and
subsurface structure, analyse relationships to the AVF vent locations and
use this model to constrain conditions that could allow rising magma to
stall or laterally migrate at the basement or other interface. They will
explore the implications of the model for volcano monitoring of the AVF and
for general seismic hazard in Auckland.

At the WVF the same basement rocks that are beneath the AVF are exposed,
allowing direct assessment of basement fault structures and volcanism. The
student will geophysically study the mechanics of basement faulting and
volcanism and determine if a generic faulting/vent location model exists
that can be applied to both the WVF and AVF, considering local stress
conditions at each field.

The 2nd aspect of the studentship will resolve outstanding questions around
the youngest and largest volcano in the AVF.  Rangitoto is anomalously
large volume, and recent dating suggests multiple eruptions over 1500
years.  Are there shallow crustal controls on the location of Rangitoto
that have focussed magma repeatedly to the same location?  Is Rangitoto
really one volcano, or coincidently just multiple overlapping centers?
Answering these questions requires an understanding of the internal
architecture of the volcano, which the student will study using high
resolution geophysical methods, from which a model of the evolution of the
volcano will be derived.

The project will be supervised by Dr Jennifer Eccles at School of
Environment, University of Auckland, and Dr Craig Miller at GNS Science.
There will be opportunity to work both at the School of Environment,
University of Auckland (Auckland) and GNS Science (Taupo).

The successful student will have good geophysical knowledge in potential
field methods as well as a solid geological or volcanological background.
Strong maths, coding (preferably python) and English language skills are
required.  A minimum of a 4 or 5-year geoscience degree is a prerequisite
(good BSc Honours or MSc).  The project will involve substantial field work
so good fitness and logistical organisation skills are essential.
Geophysical modelling will use open source (SimPEG) and proprietary codes
(Geosoft Oasis Montaj, GM-SYS).  Some aeromagnetic and variable spatial
density gravity data exist over the AVF and WVF. Geophysical equipment
available to support further data acquisition includes La Coste and Romberg
gravity meters, magnetometers, resistivity imaging equipment and shallow,
high resolution seismic reflection equipment. Potential field data and
techniques will be pivotal to the project.

The PhD is funded for 3 years and includes a full studentship including
fees plus $27k NZD annual stipend.  The student will be awarded a degree
from the University of Auckland (https://www.auckland.ac.nz/).

Please send expressions of interest including a cover letter, CV and
transcripts to Jennifer Eccles j.eccles@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx and Craig Miller


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PSU - http://pdx.edu/
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