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Date: September 8 – 9 – 10
Duration: 3 days
Number of participants: 9-15
The precise measurement of ground deformation is an essential tool to monitor volcanic unrest, and mathematical models of how a volcano deforms are required to characterize driving processes and constrain the source location, depth and volume change. The workshop aims to create a forum to discuss/exchange ideas and software(s) for modeling geodetic data, as well as to analyze relations of models with magmatic activity. Participants are encouraged to bring and share copies of their own software.
The workshop will focus on three scientific and technical themes:
Session 1: Volcano deformation modelling and inversion methods – Software applications. Examples and state of the art of software/models and inversion techniques developed to model volcanic deformation. In the afternoon, there will the possibility to work in small groups on specific software.
Session 2: Uncertainty, robustness and sensitivity of volcanic deformation models. Studies on uncertainty, robustness and on sensitivity of the estimated models can contribute to the definition of a best-practice in estimating volcanic sources from data.
From: Maurizio Battaglia <mbattaglia@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: COV10 - Modeling Volcanic Deformation - Post-Conference Workshop
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W.8 | Modeling Volcanic Deformation
Flavio Cannavo • flavio.cannavo@xxxxxxx
Kyle Anderson • kranderson@xxxxxxxx
Duration: 3 days
Number of participants: 9-15
The precise measurement of ground deformation is an essential tool to monitor volcanic unrest, and mathematical models of how a volcano deforms are required to characterize driving processes and constrain the source location, depth and volume change. The workshop aims to create a forum to discuss/exchange ideas and software(s) for modeling geodetic data, as well as to analyze relations of models with magmatic activity. Participants are encouraged to bring and share copies of their own software.
The workshop will focus on three scientific and technical themes:
Session 1: Volcano deformation modelling and inversion methods – Software applications. Examples and state of the art of software/models and inversion techniques developed to model volcanic deformation. In the afternoon, there will the possibility to work in small groups on specific software.
Session 2: Uncertainty, robustness and sensitivity of volcanic deformation models. Studies on uncertainty, robustness and on sensitivity of the estimated models can contribute to the definition of a best-practice in estimating volcanic sources from data.
Session 3: From the deformation to the prediction of the activity of the volcano The purpose of this session is to exploit the analysis and modeling of deformation data for forecasting volcanic activity. Some case studies will be used to challenge the participants in making their own predictions with the tools discussed within the workshop.
Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).
ASU - http://www.asu.edu/ PSU - http://pdx.edu/ GVP - http://www.volcano.si.edu/ IAVCEI - http://www.iavcei.org/
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