2017 Career Awardees!
I am also very pleased to announce that Dr. Jon Davidson is the 2017 recipient of the MGPV Distinguished Geologic Career Award. There will be a session in honor of Jon at GSA. Jon was a fantastic field geologist, in addition to his many other professional talents. We hope that those influenced by Jon'€™s many contributions to the MGPV disciplines will join us in Seattle to honor Jon.
I am also delighted to tell you that Dr. Thomas Shea (University of Hawaii) is the 2017 recipient of the MGPV Early Career Award. Tom'€™s work has already had major impact on the MGPV disciplines, and we look forward to hearing about his latest research at the meeting. Congratulations Tom!
2017 session proposal reminder
This is a reminder that the 2017 Geological Society of America meeting is in Seattle, Washington in late October.
The deadline for proposing topical/technical sessions and short courses is rapidly approaching (Feb 1st, 2017; http://www.geosociety.or
Seattle is a fantastic city, and I anticipate that the meeting will be well attended. I hope that you will consider submitting a topical session proposal in the broad areas of MGPV (mineralogy, geochemistry, petrology and volcanology).
The MGPV Division has grown by leaps and bounds over the last few years (please remember to renew your Division membership!). We always have a great showing, and I am sure that the Seattle meeting will continue this trend.
Wendy Bohrson
Chair, MGPV Division, GSA
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