We are pleased to invite you to submit your contribution to the co-organized
The lithospheric rheology in the volcanic environments
In the last decade significant advances in the field of rheology of geological
processes have been made. In this context, we propose a session that will try
to collect the up to date of knowledge relevant to the rheology of the
volcanic processes. In this context, the rocks rheology property is a crucial
factor to understand the mechanical behaviour of the crust in young and
As a consequence, studies have been performed in order to clarify the role of
thermic state in the evolution of volcanic area. Moreover the session also
aims to emphasize the similarities and differences in the location and
geometry of the transition B/D in volcanic areas located in different
geodynamic contexts. We propose to collect several multidisciplinary
contributions relevant to rheology of volcanic systems (properties and
processes). More specifically, contributions relevant to the seismology,
applied geophysics, gravimetry, structural geodesy, petrology and geothermic
research fields are welcome as also the studies relevant to the advanced of
analytic, analogical and numerical modelling of the volcanic systems. In this
context, contributions which clarify the impact of rheology in the modulation
both the long term phenomena and the short term processes as eruptive
mechanism could represent an interesting an crucial point in the understanding
of volcano environment behaviour. Furthermore, advances in the knowledge of
volcano rheology have a direct impact in the interpretation and in the
development of geophysical and volcanological monitoring systems.
Pietro Tizzani (CNR –IREA) (tizzani.p@xxxxxxxxxxx)
Giuseppe Solaro (CNR –IREA) (solaro.g@xxxxxxxxxxx),
D'Auria Luca (Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias) (luca.dauria@xxxxxxx),
Bruno Massa (Università degli studi del Sannio) (massa@xxxxxxxxxxxx ),
Vincenzo De Novellis (CNR –IREA) (denovellis.v@xxxxxxxxxxx)
Please consider submitting your abstract to our session.
The deadline for abstract submission is 11 Jan 2017, 13:00 CET
Go to the abstract submission:
Financial support: Scientists who wish to apply for financial support must be
the contact author, as well as the first and presenting author of their
contribution, and they must submit an abstract by 1 December 2016. The EGU
support selection committee will decide about awarding support to individual
contributions by 22 December 2016. All applicants will be informed after the
decision. Note that a limited amount of the overall budget of the conference
is reserved to assist early career scientists in attending the conference.
From: Piero Tizzani <tizzani.p@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: EGU 2017 - GMPV4.10/EMRP4.31/SM8.5 The lithospheric rheology in the volcanic environments
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to submit your contribution to the co-organized
The lithospheric rheology in the volcanic environments
In the last decade significant advances in the field of rheology of geological
processes have been made. In this context, we propose a session that will try
to collect the up to date of knowledge relevant to the rheology of the
volcanic processes. In this context, the rocks rheology property is a crucial
factor to understand the mechanical behaviour of the crust in young and
tectonically active area.
As a consequence, studies have been performed in order to clarify the role of
thermic state in the evolution of volcanic area. Moreover the session also
aims to emphasize the similarities and differences in the location and
geometry of the transition B/D in volcanic areas located in different
geodynamic contexts. We propose to collect several multidisciplinary
contributions relevant to rheology of volcanic systems (properties and
processes). More specifically, contributions relevant to the seismology,
applied geophysics, gravimetry, structural geodesy, petrology and geothermic
research fields are welcome as also the studies relevant to the advanced of
analytic, analogical and numerical modelling of the volcanic systems. In this
context, contributions which clarify the impact of rheology in the modulation
both the long term phenomena and the short term processes as eruptive
mechanism could represent an interesting an crucial point in the understanding
of volcano environment behaviour. Furthermore, advances in the knowledge of
volcano rheology have a direct impact in the interpretation and in the
development of geophysical and volcanological monitoring systems.
Pietro Tizzani (CNR –IREA) (tizzani.p@xxxxxxxxxxx)
Giuseppe Solaro (CNR –IREA) (solaro.g@xxxxxxxxxxx),
D'Auria Luca (Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias) (luca.dauria@xxxxxxx),
Bruno Massa (Università degli studi del Sannio) (massa@xxxxxxxxxxxx ),
Vincenzo De Novellis (CNR –IREA) (denovellis.v@xxxxxxxxxxx)
Please consider submitting your abstract to our session.
The deadline for abstract submission is 11 Jan 2017, 13:00 CET
Go to the abstract submission:
Financial support: Scientists who wish to apply for financial support must be
the contact author, as well as the first and presenting author of their
contribution, and they must submit an abstract by 1 December 2016. The EGU
support selection committee will decide about awarding support to individual
contributions by 22 December 2016. All applicants will be informed after the
decision. Note that a limited amount of the overall budget of the conference
is reserved to assist early career scientists in attending the conference.
Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).
ASU - http://www.asu.edu/ PSU - http://pdx.edu/ GVP - http://www.volcano.si.edu/ IAVCEI - http://www.iavcei.org/
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