From: Sarah Fagents <fagents@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Planetary volcanism at the GSA Cordilleran section meeting, Honolulu, HI, 23-25 May 2017
The GSA Cordilleran Section Meeting will be held in Honolulu, HI, 23–25 May 2017. There will be a number of sessions of relevance to planetary volcanologists.
We welcome submissions to the following sessions:
T16 New Developments in the Geology and Geochemistry of Mars (Bell, Rowland)
Conveners: Jim Bell and Scott Rowland
This session will highlight spectacular recent advances in our understanding of the geology and geochemistry of Mars. Orbiters, landers, and rovers are almost daily providing new views, and new data, that paint a picture of Mars as a world with a complex volcanic, impact, tectonic, and fluvial history.
T17 Volcanism Across the Solar System
Conveners: Sarah Fagents and Rosaly Lopes
This session will focus on extraterrestrial volcanism, from our neighboring silicate planets to the ice-rich bodies of the outer solar system. We encourage contributions discussing new data and observations, recent modeling developments, novel techniques, field analog studies, integration of diverse data sets, and comparative planetary studies.
T18 Deposition and Diagenesis of Volcaniclastic Sediments on Earth and Mars
Conveners: Juergen Schieber, Ken Edgett, David Bish
Our goal is to bring together researchers investigating deposition and post-depositional alteration of terrestrial volcaniclastic sediments with those working on Martian sediments and sedimentary rock. To help with the science return from Mars rover data, of particular interest are mafic to intermediate sediments, sedimentary rocks, and their diagenesis.
T19 Mars On Earth: Understanding Mars Through Earth Surface Processes
Conveners: Robert A. Craddock, Jacob E. Bleacher, Christopher Hamilton
Analog sites on Earth are useful for understanding geologic features on Mars, testing technology for future manned and unmanned missions, and for evaluating potential past and present conditions for astrobiology. Results from ongoing analog field studies, particularly those in Hawai‘i, will be presented.
Abstract deadline is 14 February 2017.
In addition to the conference sessions, there is a slate of workshops and short courses, as well as fieldtrips on Oahu, Maui, Kauai, and Hawaii.
For more information see:
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