From: "Edgardo Cañon" <ecanon@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Researcher position at CICESE
The Earth Sciences Division of CICESE, invites applications for a position of research scientist in the Department of Geology.
We are seeking a candidate with strong background in field based geologic studies and capable of developing new methodologies and expanding the use of existing instrumentation, which includes equipment recently installed for geochemical analyses (X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, ICP-MS), noble gas mass spectrometers for Ar and He isotopic analysis, laser ablation system, TIMS as well as geochronology, paleomagnetism and sample preparation laboratories. There are areas of priority, but all fields of expertise within Geology will be given consideration.
Enquiries can be addressed to: Edgardo Cañón-Tapia: ecanon@xxxxxxxxx.
Details can be found at http://www.cicese.edu.mx/archivos/portada/archivos/d8855c_03.CT03.2016_Geolog%C3%ADa.pdf (current version in Spanish. English version will follow soon).
Deadline for receiving documents: January 31st, 2017.
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