From: Antonio Costa <antonio.costa@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Volcanic Hazards Assessment for Nuclear Installations: Methods and Examples in Site Evaluation
Dear Colleagues,
The International Atomic Energy Agency has just published the TECDOC on volcanic hazards assessment for nuclear installations:
The International Atomic Energy Agency has just published the TECDOC on volcanic hazards assessment for nuclear installations:
IAEA (2016) Volcanic Hazards Assessment for Nuclear Installations: Methods and Examples in Site Evaluation, IAEA-TECDOC 1795, 279 pages, 53 figures;
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria; ISBN:978-92-0-104916-2
This effort involved many volcanologists from the international community, working to the TECDOC for more than two years.
The TECDOC may be very useful for all engaged in assessment of volcanic hazards.
The publication is now available on the IAEA web site:
Antonio Costa on behalf of all contributors
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