Dear Colleagues:
The upcoming CITIES ON VOLCANOES 9 conference in the beautiful lake district of Chile (https://www.
For those who must deal with hazards from lahars, there are several very relevant offerings that still have room for registrants:
Workshop W5 (one day): Lahar risk in populated downstream valleys—Risk perception and crisis-response options
Workshop W10 (3 days): Lahar hazard modeling, with instruction on using the USGS model "LAHARZ"
Intra-Conference Field Trip FTB-1 (one day): To see the damaging effects of lahars triggered by the 2015 eruption of Calbuco Volcano
Symposium 1—Volcano Risk Reduction: Includes 17 separate sessions on risk assessment, eruption impacts on society, land-use planning, hazard-education strategies, and other related topics.
Symposium 2—Volcano Hazard and Risk Assessment: Includes 9 separate sessions focused on how hazards are assessed and how such assessments can be used to make decisions to reduce risk.
Symposium 3—Volcano Processes and Monitoring: Includes 10 separate sessions on the state of knowledge about hazardous processes and the latest monitoring techniques.
Workshops and field trips are filling up, so if you were planning to attend this conference but haven’t yet registered, please do so as soon as possible using the website line above. As a member of the Scientific Technical Committee for the conference, I may be able to answer questions you may have; if not, I can put you in touch with the right people.
Tom Pierson (tpierson@xxxxxxxx)
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