AGU 2016. The Nature of Magma Reservoirs
From: Allen Glazner <afg@xxxxxxx>AGU 2016. The Nature of Magma Reservoirs
No, there probably aren't any magma chambers under the Moscone Center, but we invite abstracts to our session The Nature of Magma Reservoirs. This session will deal with questions such as:
- What is the nature of the material imaged in geophysical studies of magmatic systems?
- How does partial melt percentage and distribution affect seismic and electrical properties?
- How do we reconcile field observations of plutonic systems with physical properties of active systems?
- What do volcanic seismicity and surface deformation tell us about physical processes?
- How do different disciplines define "magma"?
The session is V029: https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm16/preliminaryview.cgi/Session12674
We look forward to seeing you in San Francisco!
Allen F Glazner, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
John M Bartley, University of Utah
Jamie Farrell, University of Utah
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