CoV9. call for conference abstracts - Session S3.3 - Understanding volcanic dynamics and related time scales: coupling volcanological, petrological, and geophysical data
From: Daniele Morgavi <daniele.morgavi@xxxxxxxx>CoV9. call for conference abstracts - Session S3.3 - Understanding volcanic dynamics and related time scales: coupling volcanological, petrological, and geophysical data
Dear all,
We would like to draw your attention to the following session at Cities on Volcanoes 9 that will be held in Puerto Varas, Chile on November 20 – 25, 2016 (the abstract deadline is 15 July 2016):
S3.3 | Understanding volcanic dynamics and related time scales: coupling volcanological, petrological, and geophysical data.
Conveners: Daniele Morgavi (University of Perugia, Italy), Maurizio Petrelli (University of Perugia, Italy), Andrés Tassara (Universidad de Concepción, Chile)
Invited Speaker: Guido Giordano (University of Roma Tre, Italy)
Session description:
Unravel volcanic dynamics and related time scales is of a primary importance for better comprehend volcanic hazards. Volcanic feeding systems are characterised by a plethora of different processes such as magma crystallisation and decompression, assimilation, fluids transfer, chamber replenishment, mush rejuvenation. All of these processes influence the eruptive behaviour of volcanoes, the geophysical records observed at the surface and the petrology of the erupted products. However, the connection between surface observations and deep magmatic processes still remains uncertain. Combined eld observations, geophysical studies, laboratory analysis, analogue and numerical modelling may help us defining the links between magma reservoirs evolution and time scale of eruptive events.
We look for contributions focused on field, experimental, and modelling approaches, voted to unravel plumbing system dynamics and time-scales of eruptive events. Innovative and multidisciplinary studies are particularly welcome.
Conference website: http://www.citiesonvolcanoes9.com/en/
Detailed programme: http://www.citiesonvolcanoes9.com/fileadmin/documentos/2CIRCULAR_COV9_ENG_20160505.pdf
We look forward to seeing you in Chile.
Kind regards,
Daniele Morgavi
Maurizio Petrelli
Andrés Tassara
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