Two PhD projects on maar-diatreme volcanoes – emplacement mechanisms and magma fragmentation
From: Ross Pierre-Simon <Pierre-Simon.Ross@xxxxxxxxxxx>Two PhD projects on maar-diatreme volcanoes – emplacement mechanisms and magma fragmentation
Diatremes are volcanic pipes filled by debris; their surface expressions are called maars. Their eruptive processes are not well known compared to those of other volcano types, because activity occurs largely underground. Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), a Canadian research university based in Quebec City, is offering two fully funded PhD positions on maar-diatreme volcanoes.
The chosen students will work on exceptional outcrops and will create juvenile pyroclasts in the laboratory. More specifically, the following two projects are currently envisaged:
1. Mapping and sampling two or three Miocene ultramafic monogenetic volcanoes in the Hopi Buttes volcanic field of NE Arizona, in a semi-desert environment, with 3D exposure.
2. Fragmenting magma of a range of geochemical compositions in the presence of external water in Wuerzburg, Germany, in collaboration with Dr. Bernd Zimanowski, to determine the effect on clast shapes, sizes and textures.
The projects will start in the fall of 2016 or the winter of 2017, and will also involve international collaborators Dr. James D.L. White from the University of Otago (New Zealand) and Dr. Michael Ort from Northern Arizona University (USA).
The ideal candidates will have a research-focussed MSc degree in earth science or geology; strong writing skills preferably demonstrated by a publication in an international journal; field work experience, preferably in volcanic environments, for project #1; and a passion for science and discovery. Motivated students should immediately submit their resume, a cover letter, and the names and complete coordinates of three referees to Pierre-Simon Ross at rossps@xxxxxxxxxxx.
Pierre-Simon Ross, géo, PhD
Professeur-chercheur, INRS-ETE
490 rue de la Couronne
Québec (QC) G1K 9A9, Canada
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