2 Research Associate posts available on real time synchrotron imaging of magma flow/reactions
Two Research Associate posts available on real time synchrotron imaging of magma flow / reactions
Two Post-Doctoral Research Associate posts are available in Prof. Lee’s Group at the Harwell Campus in Oxfordshire, working on separate, but complementary NERC funded projects to use the unique equipment Prof. Lee has developed that allows the replication of the conditions during magmatic flow whilst using fast synchrotron x-ray tomographic imaging (as well as other techniques) to measure the rheology, bubble and crystal growth whilst changing pressure, temperature and applying deformation. In both projects your role will be to lead the synchrotron imaging activities, both in terms of design of experiments, on-going equipment / container development, 4D image analysis (3D plus time) and quantification. You will be working closely with the collaborators on each project that will provide expertise in the volcanology during the whole process.
Post 1: Research Associate: In Situ Tomographic Imaging of Magma Flow Processes. EPS-008054
This is a 25 month post with a focus on magma deformation, bubble formation and permeability evolution, working with Prof. Yan Lavallee’s group at the University of Liverpool and Prof. Marian Holness at the University of Cambridge. The first experiments have already been performed on this post revealing all new mechanisms, with an opportunity for high impact publications from the onset.
See: https://www.jobs.manchester.ac.uk/displayjob.aspx?jobid=11360
Post 2: Research Associate: Synchrotron Imaging of Non-equilibrium Magmatic Processes. EPS-08172
This is a 3 year post with a focus on measuring non-equilibrium processes, including crystal growth and rheological changes, and is part of a £3.5m UK-US, 5 university collaboration led by Prof. Mike Burton. Your role will be designing and performing synchrotron experiments to quantify crystal growth whilst simulating the pressure and temperature changes that magma undergoes during the upper few km’s or rise. Your role will be to design the synchrotron experiments, on-going equipment / container development, and applying 4D image analysis (3D plus time) and quantification. You will be working closely with the researchers at Manchester performing modelling and complementary experiments, as well as at the other collaborators in the UK and USA.
See: https://www.jobs.manchester.ac.uk/DisplayJob.aspx?JobID=11479
I hope you will pass these on to anyone you think might be interested.
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