session on Physical Volcanology and Physics of the Minerals and Rocks in 102 General Assembly of SIF (Italian Society of Physics)
From: Luigi Passarelli <luigi.passarelli@xxxxxxxxx>session on Physical Volcanology and Physics of the Minerals and Rocks in 102 General Assembly of SIF (Italian Society of Physics)
Dear Colleagues,
we want to draw your attention on the possibility to a contribution for an oral communication at the General Assembly of the Italian Society of Physics (SIF). This year within the session 4 of Geophysics and Environmental Physics (Sezione 4: Geofisica, Fisica dell'Ambiente) we are organizing the section named Physical Volcanology and Physics of the Minerals and Rocks ( "Vulcanologia Fisica e Fisica dei minerali e delle rocce" ). The conference will be held in Padova from 26 to 30 of September. The deadline to submit an abstract is approaching being the 15 of May 2016.
More information can be found on the SIF web page at http://www.sif.it/attivita/congresso/102 or directly contacting Luigi Passarelli at luigi.passarelli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Keynote speakers are:
Gilda Currenti INGV Catania
Andrea Parmigiani ETH Zurich
Corrado Cimarelli LMU Munchen
Hope to see you in Padova!
Best Wishes
Luigi Passarelli e Augusto Neri
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