PhD project on magma response to decompression – from foaming to fragmentation - at LMU Munich
A DFG-funded PhD position is available in the experimental volcanology group at LMU Munich, Germany. The topic of the project is “Decompression of Krafla magma: From immobile magma mush to explosive foaming?” (Scheu/Dingwell) This project is planned against the backdrop of the ICDP Krafla Magma Drilling Project (KMDP).
We are seeking an outstanding and highly motivated candidate. He/she will experimentally investigate the response of magma to various decompression regimes (fast/ slow) and map the transitions from foaming to fracturing and fragmentation. In case of fragmentation and ejection, thermal analysis will be applied to constrain the cooling history.
Candidates should have a MSc in a relevant area
(petrology, volcanology,
geology, geophysics, Earth sciences); experience in laboratory
work will be advantageous.
To apply, send one PDF including your CV, a
research statement, an academic
transcript and contact information for 2 referees to Bettina
(b.scheu@xxxxxx). The research statement should
include a description of
undergraduate research projects/studies undertaken as well as
future research
For further information please contact Bettina
Scheu (b.scheu@xxxxxx)
Evaluation of the applications will start
10.05.2016, until the position is
filled. The project start is planned for summer 2016.
In case interested candidates will be at EGU Spring meeting next
week in
Vienna, contact Bettina Scheu to arrange a meeting.
Best regards,
Bettina Scheu / Don Dingwell
LMU München
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