2016 UK Antarctic Science Conference
From: "Jessica Johnson (ENV)" <jessica.johnson@xxxxxxxxx>2016 UK Antarctic Science Conference
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that the 2016 UK Antarctic Science Conference will be held at the University of East Anglia in July 2016. The conference, sponsored by the British Geophysical Association, will run from lunchtime Tuesday 5th July to lunchtime Thursday 7th July. We welcome everyone working on Antarctic or Southern Ocean science, including techniques such as in situ measurements, numerical models, laboratory experiments or remote sensing. The conference welcomes all science disciplines, including cryosphere, earth, atmosphere, marine, climate and life sciences.
Please circulate the information below regarding registering and submission of abstracts for the Antarctic Science conference at UEA in July (5th-7th July). There is also a UKPN event (4th-5th July) and a workshop on biases in climate models (7th July). Online booking now available.
A further ANTVOLC meeting on Antarctic Volcanoes will take place on Thursday lunchtime between 12.30 and 1.30pm; those interested are able to drop in.
Abstracts can be submitted until Friday 15th April.
Earlybird registration (£60) is available until Friday 20th May. This includes UKPN event (for early career scientists), refreshments and a conference BBQ.
Final registration deadline is 17th June (£100).
Accommodation on campus may be booked on the website at £40 per night B&B.
The website for registering, accommodation and abstract submission is:
It’s best if you register (£60) and submit an abstract (<200 words) at the same time (we tried to keep things simple). Only the presenting author’s name is required.
We look forward to welcoming you to Norwich in July!
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