Conference on Accessory Minerals (CAM-2017)
From: Dan Harlov <dharlov@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>Conference on Accessory Minerals (CAM-2017)
Dear colleagues,
We would like to invite articles for a special issue of the Springer journal Mineralogy & Petrology.
September, 2014, R. Macdonald and B. Baginski organised a "Workshop on
accessory minerals" in Warsaw. Abstracts can be found here
this "kickoff event", there will be a Conference on Accessory Minerals
(CAM-2017) in September, 2017. It will be held in Vienna (technical
sessions) and Bratislava (field trips). A preliminary web page is here
It would be great if you would consider attending.
the occasion of the CAM-2017, we plan to compile a special issue on
"Accessory Minerals" for Mineralogy & Petrology. In contrast to the
usual practice to have special issues following a conference, we plan to
have the SI published by the time the conference starts. All conference
attendees will get a copy of that SI in their conference bags.
this, we would like to ask you whether you wish to contribute with an
article to that issue? If so, please let us know the preliminary title
of your contribution by the end of April, 2016, though later preliminary
titles will probably be considered (we need to arrange and schedule the
SI, and in particular its amount, with the Springer Editorial Office
well in advance). The submission deadline will be September 30, 2016, followed by:
- return of reviewed papers to lead authors: November 30, 2016
- resubmission of revised papers: January 15, 2017
- whole set of finalised articles passed to Chief Editors: March 15, 2017
- production at Springer; volume to be released by July / mid-August, 2017
Please feel free to pass the information to others who also might have interesting results on accessory minerals to report.
Thank you very much for your consideration.
With kind regards,
L. Nasdala,
on behalf of the Special Issue Guest Editors:
Lutz Nasdala, Igro Broska, Daniel Harlov, Raymond Macdonald
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