deadline: Volcanic, volcaniclastic and pyroclastic sediments - IMS2016 - Marrakech (22-25 May 2016)
From: Guilhem Amin Douillet <g.douillet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>deadline: Volcanic, volcaniclastic and pyroclastic sediments - IMS2016 - Marrakech (22-25 May 2016)
Dear all,
Apologies for cross-posting.
Just a reminder to submit your abstract to the 32th International Meeting of Sedimentology (22-25 May 2016, Marrakech)
Deadline is 15 February, only 2 days left!
In particular for volcanologists, feel welcome to bring your contribution to the volcano-sediment session:
"Volcanic, volcaniclastic and pyroclastic sediments - special session 6”
For all details about the venue, please follow this link:
Some field trips are going through Moroccan volcano deposits and might attract your interest!
For abstract submission:
Don’t hesitate to contact me for anything.
Hope to see you there!
Best regards, Guilhem
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