EarthScope Synthesis Workshops Proposals
The EarthScope National Office requests proposals to host EarthScope Synthesis Workshops, due Friday February 26, 2016.
Synthesis Workshops are envisioned to be small workshops of 10-15 people that are intended to help start successful working groups. The EarthScope National Office will be using the output of these workshops as part of its efforts to bring EarthScope science to the public, and we hope that the workshops themselves will lead to working groups that will follow up with additional research, papers, or their own proposals as appropriate.
As the end of the formal EarthScope program approaches, it is timely for the geosciences community to work towards synthesis of multiple types of data focused on a single region or topic. For example, data from USArray, PBO, and SAFOD activities could be linked with results from other disciplines. EarthScope science offers many opportunities for synthesis, both within and between disciplines. Over the next four years, the EarthScope National Office at the University of Alaska Fairbanks will support a series of roughly 10 EarthScope Synthesis Workshops, each of which will bring a small group of scientists together from multiple disciplines.
More information can be found at and the application form can be found at
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