EGU 2016. Interdisciplinary perspectives on Mantle Melting and Volcanism
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to the following session at the next EGU General Assembly in Vienna (17 - 22 April, 2016):
Interdisciplinary perspectives on Mantle Melting and Volcanism (co-organized), GMPV5.9/GD2.10/PS9.12/SM6.21
Invited speakers: Justin Filiberto (SIU), Luca Caricchi (University of Geneva), Carmen Sanchez-Valle (WWU Muenster)
We encourage you to submit an abstract (before the deadline: 13th of January 2016).
Abstract submission:
We are looking forward to meeting you in Vienna!
Best regards,
Maxim Ballmer, Ananya Mallik, John O’Connor, Kate Rychert and Juliane Dannberg
----------------- Session description -----------------
Constraining mantle composition and melting processes is crucial for our understanding of planetary dynamics and evolution. After decades of work, some fundamental questions regarding source composition, melt migration, storage, and evolution remain unanswered. In order to advance our understanding, we will bring together studies that combine the strengths of geochemistry, petrology, geology, geodynamics, geophysics, and/or mineral physics. We invite contributions that study melting of the asthenosphere or lithosphere in various tectonic environments (e.g., mid-ocean ridges, subduction zones, hotspots), as well as deep planetary melting (e.g., transition zone, magma ocean). Topics covered by this session include but are not limited to: (1) magmatic processes in the presence of volatiles and heterogeneous rock assemblages, (2) melt migration and melt-rock interaction, (3) magmatic processes in the early Earth, (4) plume vs. non-plume origin of intraplate volcanism, (5) evolution of melts in the lithosphere, or (6) extraterrestrial volcanism on rocky planets.
Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).
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