EGU 2016. Pores, Cracks, Fluids & Permeability in Crustal, Magmatic and Volcanic Environments (GMPV5.8/EMRP4.10/TS1.7)
Dear Colleagues,
I trust you have all had an enjoyable break!
We would like to draw your attention to the session Pores, Cracks, Fluids & Permeability in Crustal, Magmatic and Volcanic Environments (GMPV5.8/EMRP4.10/TS1.7) at the EGU General Assembly in Vienna, Austria, 17 -22 April 2016.
We encourage contributions that integrate results from field, experimental, theoretical, numerical and analytical modelling. The session is described below.
To submit an abstract please follow the link: Note that abstract submission deadline is 13 January 13:00 CET
Looking forward to Vienna!
Best wishes,
The conveners
Convener: Kelly Russell Co-Conveners: Michael Heap , Mattia Pistone , Caroline Martel , Jackie E. Kendrick , Paolo Madonia
Permeability is a fundamental physical property governing the efficacy and rates of many geological processes. Our ability to measure or characterize the values and distributions of permeability attending geological processes is critical to many facets of geoscience. For example, in volcanic processes (e.g., magma transport, eruption) permeability can be created or destroyed, controlling the means, efficiency, and rates of outgassing and, thereby, affecting eruption style and intensity. Alternatively, permeability and permeability anisotropy of fault zone structures are of paramount importance to fluid flow in the lithosphere, thereby, controlling crustal pore pressures and seismicity along major shallow or deep lithospheric structures. Outstanding and critical challenges for our science, include evaluating permeability at geological conditions and understanding the evolution (e.g., creation or destruction) of permeability with the extent of process and as a function of time/strain/stress. Here, we invite field-, experimental-, and model-based studies that inform on, or concern, the evolution of permeability attending geological processes. Our intent is to foster strong interactions between research groups by soliciting contributions from diverse subdisciplines including (but not limited to) volcanology, rock and magma mechanics and physics, petrology, structural geology, and geophysics. We particularly welcome abstracts from Early Career Scientists.
Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).
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