VOLCANO: Announcement 2 PhD positions University of Geneva

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Announcement 2 PhD positions University of Geneva
From: Luca Caricchi <Luca.Caricchi@xxxxxxxx>

Two PhD positions financed by European Research Council are available at the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Geneva (Switzerland). 

The doctoral candidates will be part of the group of Volcanology and Petrology (http://cms.unige.ch/sciences/terre/research/Groups/igneous_petrology/igneous_petrology.php).


Application will be accepted until December 31st 2015.

The preferred starting period for the projects is May-June 2016.

Project Title

Forecasting the recurrence rate of volcanic eruptions (FEVER)


Volcanic eruptions occur with a frequency that is inversely proportional to their magnitude. Datasets of natural volcanic events, currently used to determine the recurrence rate of volcanic eruptions are intrinsically biased. Combining physical modelling of processes with detailed statistical analysis has been demonstrated essential for assessing reliably the recurrence rate of natural hazards, such as floods and earthquakes. This would be the first attempt to apply a similar, integrated approach to explosive volcanic eruptions.


The successful candidates will carry out fieldwork on the products of six eruptions spanning the entire magnitude range observed in nature. Petrographic, geochemical and geochronological analyses of the collected samples will be used to constrain the thermal and chemical evolution of these magmatic systems and identify the physical processes leading to eruptions of different magnitudes. The data will be integrated with the analysis of existing datasets both for the regions of interest and other volcanic regions on Earth to produce a physics-based model evaluating the probability of eruptions of different magnitudes to occur at regional and global scale.

The University of Geneva offers a wide range of state-of-the-art analytical facilities that will be fully available within the framework of FEVER.


The applicants should have a master degree and a strong background in petrology and/or geochronology. The students will be integrated in a dynamic research group and only highly motivated candidates will be considered for these positions.

The interested applicants should send a CVacademic record, a short motivation letter (half A4 page), and the names (and contacts) of two potential referees to: 

Luca Caricchi

email: luca.caricchi@xxxxxxxx

Department of Earth Sciences

University of Geneva

Rue des Maraîchers 13

CH-1205 Geneva



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