Am Min Sp Coll " Dynamics of magmatic processes" - Call for papers
From: Chiara Maria Petrone <C.Petrone@xxxxxxxxx>Am Min Sp Coll " Dynamics of magmatic processes" - Call for papers
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that the Special Collection on the theme “Dynamics of magmatic processes” is now active on American Mineralogist.
The aim of the Special Collection is to shed new light on the complexity of magma chamber dynamics and on the relative timescales.
We welcome contributions on the following topics:
i) field evidences, experimental, analogue, geochemical and/or numerical modelling of magma mixing;
ii) micro-analytical investigations of physical and chemical disequilibrium in minerals and between minerals and melt;
iii) diffusion modelling in melts/minerals and timescale estimation using both elemental diffusion modelling and radiogenic isotopes;
iv) analytical, experimental and computational approaches leading to new insights on the timescale of magmatic processes, magma ascent and eruption.
We invite you to consider this Special Collection for your future works and please submit your manuscript when you are ready. To submit to the Special Collection please select “regular article” or “letters”, and then choose “Dynamics of magmatic processes” in the Manuscript Information section.
Please find the instructions for authors at the following link:
An important fact is that American Mineralogist is very flexible with no need to wait for the entire issue. Indeed, each article is published as soon as it is accepted with a heading referring to the special section. Each paper is obviously subjected to the high standard of peer review.
Please feel free to contact us if you need any further information.
Best wishes
Chiara Maria Petrone (C.Petrone@xxxxxxxxx)
Maurizio Petrelli (maurizio.petrelli@xxxxxxxx)
(Guest Associate Editors of “Dynamics of magmatic processes”)
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