Tenure-track positions at Kansas State University in [1] Basin-scale Modeling or Solid Earth Geophysics and [2] Sedimentology and/or Stratigraphy
Dear Colleagues,
The Department of Geology at Kansas State University invites applications for two tenure-track Assistant Professor faculty positions beginning August 2016 in: [1] Basin-scale Modeling or Solid Earth Geophysics and [2] Sedimentology and/or Stratigraphy. A detailed advertisement for both positions is located at www.ksu.edu/geology. Screening of applications begins December 21, 2015 and continues until the position is filled. Full consideration will be given to applications received by December 1, 2015.
I would appreciate it if you could pass this announcement on to anyone you think might be interested; we are trying to advertise this as broadly as possible (I apologize for cross-listings!)
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