EGU 2014. 3 sedimentology sessions for volcanologists
From: Guilhem Amin Douillet <g.douillet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>EGU 2014. 3 sedimentology sessions for volcanologists
Dear volcanologists,
With EGU abstract deadline approaching (16 January!), we would like to draw your attention about 3 sessions from the Sedimentology division that might rise interest among the volcano community:
-Sedimentary structures formed by upper-regime flows: From antidunes to cyclic steps - SSP3.1.3
Invited speakers: G. Postma; S. Kostic; S. Leclair
Conveners: S. Kostic, M. Yokokawa, G.A. Douillet
-Geophysical and laboratory tools for sedimentologists - SSP3.1.6
Invited speakers: R. Van Dam; R. Deschamps
Conveners: M. Schuster, S. Bardes Cabusson, J.R. Dujardin, G.A. Douillet
-Erosion and sedimentation in soil science, geomorphology and sedimentology - is there a common ground? - co-organized SSP3.1.11/GM6.7/SSS2.14
Invited speakers: Peter Kinnell; Brian McArdell; Orencio Duran
Conveners: W. Fister, N.J. Kuhn, B. Bates, P. Frey, G.A. Douillet
See you in Vienna!
Best regards,
Guilhem, on behalf of the conveners
Guilhem Amin Douillet
EGU Science Officer - Sedimentology division & EGU Young Scientist Representative - SSP group
PhD Student - Sedimentology & Physical Volcanology - Ludwig Maximilians Universität Munich
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
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