Goldschmidt 2014. Session on Analytical Methods and Volatiles
Dear Colleagues:
We are convening a session at the Sacramento Goldschmidt Conference (8-13 June, 2014) on Analytical Methods for Trace Elements and Volatiles in Igneous Materials.
We seek to compare and review recent developments in microanalysis of trace elements and volatiles in igneous materials (glasses, silicates, oxides, sulfides). H2O and CO2 can be quantified with an increasing number of techniques, ranging from reflection and transmission FTIR spectroscopy, Raman, SIMS and nanoSIMS. A whole host of trace elements are explored through SIMS, nanoSIMS, EPMA, and LA-ICPMS techniques. Synchrotrons and linear accelerators provide additional capabilities including sensitivity, and spectral resolution. Cost, reproducibility, backgrounds, standards, and matrix effects are among the various issues that can remain hindrances to successful microanalysis. We hope to attract a series of presentations that will address the advantages and remaining challenges for routine analysis of volatiles and trace elements in igneous materials. We invite contributions from a wide range of analytical methods and protocols. Efforts to create homogeneous, well-characterized standards in sufficient quantity for general distribution would be welcomed.
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Nobu Shimizu: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Jacob B. Lowenstern, USGS
Richard Hervig; Arizona State University
Daniel Neuville, IPGP
Harald Behrens, Leibniz Universität Hannover
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