EGU 2014. Process-to-product
Apologies for yet another EGU session announcement. Before you manoeuvre your index finger over your mouse and make for the delete button - consider what it is your science can offer to a fundamental Earth Science problem. I would like to draw your attention to the following session at EGU 2014:
For physical volcanology focus could be on (but certainly not limited to):
- Particle transport, segregation and sedimentation
- Bedform activity and subsequent deposit architecture
- Flow processes at bed-surface interface and deposit sedimentology
- Flow frequency and magnitude, linked to known stratigraphy
Physical scale and dominant process is irrelevant. Avalanches to lahars, experiments to real-time monitoring of flows and associated deposits. The session is open to attract interest from a number of scientific fields in the hope of achieving trans-discliplinary communication and collaboration on the topic.
Please consider submitting an abstract. ***********NOTE: Abstract submission deadline is 16 January 2014*************
Best wishes, Rob
4 Brownlow Street
Liverpool, L69 3GP
Telephone: +44 (0)151 795 45179
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