VOLCANO: EGU 2014. Collision zone magmatism: sources, evolution and implications for the tectonics of orogenic belts

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EGU 2014. Collision zone magmatism: sources, evolution and implications for the tectonics of orogenic belts
From: "Mehmet Keskin" <keskin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Dear all,


Please consider submitting an abstract to the following session at the next EGU General Assembly (27 April - 2 May 2014):


TS7.3/GMPV22 Collision zone magmatism: sources, evolution and implications for the tectonics of orogenic belts.


Conveners: Mark Allen, Khachatur Meliksetian, Monireh Kheirkhah, Mehmet Keskin, J-F. Moyen, Vojtech Janousek, Sun-Lin Chung, Di-Cheng Zhu.

Continental collision zones are not only sites of widespread deformation, but also regions of long-lived magmatism, which often continues for tens of millions of years after the initial plate collision. The presence of melting zones and larger hot magmatic bodies at depth has important consequences on heat and mass transfer within the orogen, the rheology of the lithosphere, the differentiation of the crust and origin of late-orogenic ore systems. This session aims to present current work on all aspects of orogenic magmatism – causes, sources, melting conditions, spatial and temporal evolution and wider geodynamic implications. We aim to bring together both the tectonic and petrology communities. We also intend a platform for results from older orogens (e.g. Variscides and Caledonides) where both plutonic and volcanic rocks are well-exposed for study, as well as the active volcanic zones of the Alpine-Himalayan system (e.g. SW Asia, Tibet), where there are good geophysical constraints on the regional tectonics.

Deadline for abstract submission: 16 January 2014, 13.00 CET





Abstract submission:



Note: this is only one session out of 11 in the Convergent Tectonic Settings theme (TS7). Please have a look and see which session can provide a showcase for your work.


See you in Vienna.


On behalf of all the convenors, all the best,





Dr. Mehmet Keskin (Ph.D. University of Durham, U.K.).

(Assoc. Prof. Dr.)



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