Commission on Volcanogenic Sediments website re-launch
Dear fellow volcanologists,
We would like to re-launch the website for the Commission for Volcanogenic Sediments on vHub ( and apologise for being offline for so long. This commission has been one of the most active over the past two decades and we hope that with the re-launch of the website it can be at the heart of the IAVCEI community once again.
The Commission on Volcanogenic Sediments fosters common interests in research on all sedimentological aspects of volcanic phenomena. It provides a forum for discussion, helps run field workshops and symposia at major conferences, and maintains a membership list of interested experts to aid communication and develop collaborations. The Commission concerns itself with the genesis, transport, deposition and diagenesis of all volcanogenic sediments. CVS members carry out research into the sedimentation of pyroclasts from eruption clouds and pyroclastic density currents, the generation of debris avalanche deposits during edifice failures, and the remobilisation of volcanic particles by surface processes (e.g., by lahars). This information is used to interrogate hazardous volcanic phenomena from process and hazard perspectives, construct facies models for volcanoes and volcanic systems, undertake stratigraphic analyses of edifices in order to establish volcanic eruption histories, and understand how volcanogenic sediments can impact non-volcanic sedimentary environments.
The new website address is:
We would kindly encourage all of you with interests in this field to join the group. The CVS covers a lot of ground and shares interests and members with a wide range of other IAVCEI commissions. We are keen to reach out to non-volcanic sedimentologists – the CVS-sponsored session at IAVCEI 2013 proved that there is a great deal of overlap with clastic sedimentologists researching other forms of particulate gravity currents. This is a fertile area for study where we could advance our knowledge on lahars and pyroclastic density currents through collaboration. We encourage you to let your sedimentologist colleagues know about the website.
There is a call out from IAVCEI for proposals for commission-sponsored sessions, workshops and fieldtrips at IUGG in Prague in 2015 ( We would welcome session proposals that concern aspects of volcanology covered by CVS. Sessions that bring together other disciplines or other commissions or associations to discuss a problem are especially welcome. As was evident at IAVCEI 2013, young IAVCEI scientists are keen to be involved and each convening team should include at least one early career researcher.
Please visit the new website, sign-up, get on the CVS blog, get thinking about IUGG 2015 and add your comments, suggestions and thoughts to the website. We will continue to build the commission and the website around your needs.
Best wishes,
Rich Brown and Gert Lube (Massey University)
Richard J. Brown PhD
Lecturer in Earth Sciences and VMRC Co-ordinator
Department of Earth Sciences
Durham University
Science Labs
Durham DH1 3LE, UK
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