AGU 2013 related workshop: MSNoise/MFAST-Tessa to monitor changes in isotropic and anisotropic seismic velocity
AGU 2013 related Workshop
MSNoise/MFAST-Tessa: Workshop on computer packages to monitor changes in isotropic and anisotropic seismic velocity
Following a successful workshop at the IAVCEI meeting in Kagoshima we are holding another workshop on Sunday 8 December in San Francisco. The workshop will be focused on teaching two new methods useful for calculating seismic wave speeds and anisotropy, which can be used to assess static or changing conditions. The workshop will consist of a morning and an afternoon session, each one split in two: a description of the technique and a hands-on learning part. Participants will be able to learn the two methods.
Sample data sets will be provided for each of the methods and will be discussed at the workshop. Attendees will be expected to bring their own laptops with software that will be provided at the workshop. The topics below will be offered.
1. Methodology and programs for using background seismic noise to monitor changes in surface wave velocity with time. The package called MSNoise (Monitoring using Seismic Noise) will be used. It is written in Python (no Matlab needed). Thomas Lecocq (Royal Observatory of Belgium), Correntin Caudron (ROB-EOS) and Florent Brenguier (ISTerre Grenoble & IPG Paris, France) will be presenting it.
2. MFAST shear-wave splitting package and associate TESSA tomography package. MFAST is written with free publicly available software; TESSA requires MATLAB. Presenter: Martha Savage (Victoria University of Wellington, NZ)
The workshop is free, but you need to sign up by November 1 with an indication of which sessions you are most interested in attending. If you are really only interested in one of the packages, that's fine, that leaves a space for someone else in the other session!
We limit the number of participants to 25. First come, first served!
To sign up, please email BOTH of:
Martha Savage (martha.savage@xxxxxxxxx)
Thomas Lecocq [thomas.lecocq@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Participants will be confirmed via email by November 8.
Martha Savage
Professor of Geophysics
Victoria University of Wellington
Te Whare Wananga o te Upoko o te Ika a Maui
Box 600, Wellington, 6140
New Zealand
Email: Martha.Savage@xxxxxxxxx
DDI: +64 (0)4 463-5961
mobile: 021-262-7516
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