Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group conference - Edinburgh January 2014
From: John A Stevenson <john.stevenson@xxxxxxxx>Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group conference - Edinburgh January 2014
Registration opens today for the 2014 Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group (VMSG) conference. This is the UK's annual volcanology conference, with 200-250 delegates from the UK and abroad. The meeting takes place in Edinburgh on 5-8 January 2014.
VMSG2014 is of particular significance as it marks the 50th anniversary of the conference and the meeting will explore advances in volcanology and igneous petrology over the past 5 decades. Keynote presentations will be given by Jon Davidson, Steve Sparks, Sally Gibson and Iain Stewart.
*Session topics*:
- Intraplate and Continental Rifting
- Subduction Zone Magmatism
- From Rift to Ridge (including Rifted Margins)
- Planetary Volcanism
- Volcanic Hazards and Risks
- Magmatic Processes: Conduits to Atmosphere
*Other highlights*:
- Meeting in the John McIntyre Conference Centre at the foot of Arthur's Seat
- Dinner and ceilidh in Our Dynamic Earth
- Barry Dawson memorial session
- Optional fieldtrip to Arthur's Seat (Sunday 4th Jan)
- Optional microanalysis workshop (Thursday 9th Jan)
Please visit the website for more information and registration details:
-- Dr John A Stevenson RSE/Scottish Government Personal Research Fellow (co-funded by Marie Curie Actions) School of GeoSciences The University of Edinburgh Grant Institute West Mains Road Edinburgh EH9 3JW Scotland PHONE: (+44) 131 650 7526 FAX: (+44) 131 668 3184 email: john.stevenson@xxxxxxxx twitter: @volcan01010 web: http://www.geos.ed.ac.uk/homes/jsteven5 blog: http://all-geo.org/volcan01010 **ICELAND MOBILE: (+354) 8417106**
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