New Submission Deadline - Geology of Cabo de Gata in the Italian Journal of Geosciences
Dear colleagues,
Please take note of the new deadline for submission for contributions to thematic issue on the Geology of Cabo de Gata in the Italian Journal of Geosciences.
We remind you that contributions are welcome on broad geological topics, including stratigraphy, volcanology, paleomagnetism, structural geology, mineral deposits, regional geology, sedimentology and tectonics. We also remind you that this thematic issue is due to be published in 2014. The guest editors and editorial office request that you send your contribution as soon as you have it in order to proceed with the review and edition of manuscripts.
Upload your manuscript by following the journal’s guidelines and using the ScholarOne system through the journal website at
Best regards,
Massimiliano Porreca, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, massimiliano.porreca@xxxxxxx
Carles Soriano, Institut de Ciències de la Terra Jaume Almera, CSIC, csoriano@xxxxxxxxxxxxxNancy Riggs, Northern Arizona University, nancy.riggs@xxxxxxx
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