Two part-time PhD/Teaching Assistant positions at the University of Liverpool
From: "Kavanagh, Janine" <Janine.Kavanagh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>Two part-time PhD/Teaching Assistant positions at the University of Liverpool
Two part-time PhD/Teaching Assistant positions are available in the School of Environmental Sciences, Liverpool University: http://www.liv.ac.uk/working/job_vacancies/academic/a-583790/
Two volcano-related projects are currently being advertised:
"The Dynamics of Magma Intrusion" supervised by Janine Kavanagh, Andy Biggin and M.J. Dekkers
"Ignimbrite eruption timescales" supervised by Yan Lavallee and Pete Kokelaar
The position is available for five years and we encourage applications from those with a good Bachelors or Masters degree in any relevant discipline. Candidates from any nation may apply though EU citizens may be favoured.
For a full list of projects available, and to download project descriptions, please see: http://www.liv.ac.uk/geography-and-planning/geography-programmes/postgraduate/studentships/
For further information please contact:
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