AGU Fall Meeting 2013 session VO18: Geochronology, correlation and climatic significance of widespread volcanic ash layers
From: Stephanie Flude <flude@xxxxxx>AGU Fall Meeting 2013 session VO18: Geochronology, correlation and climatic significance of widespread volcanic ash layers
As the AGU Fall Meeting abstract deadline is approaching (6 August 23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT), we would like to draw your attention to the AGU session VO18: "Geochronology, correlation and climatic significance of widespread volcanic ash layers"
Widespread volcanic ash layers are geologically instantaneous time markers that can be used to synchronize sedimentary and ice-core records separated by hundreds to thousands of kilometers. Some of these eruptions show a close temporal coincidence with major climatic shifts. Understanding the relationship between large explosive volcanic eruptions and rapid changes in climate requires accurate and precise age determinations, in addition to improved correlation between records. This session welcomes contributions on the advancement of dating and correlation methods for volcanic ashes, along with case studies that examine the relationship between large volcanic eruptions and climate variations.
Invited presentations:
Marc Reichow (Leicester, UK): Geochronology and correlation of Miocene super-eruptions from the Yellowstone hot-spot track
Anders Svensson (Copenhagen, Denmark): Bipolar ice core records of Toba and other large volcanic eruptions
Jorge Vazquez (USGS): Resolving eruption ages from SIMS dating of zircon rims
Michael Storey (Quadlab, Denmark);
Stephanie Flude (Quadlab, Denmark);
Bruce Charlier (The Open University, UK)
Looking forwards to seeing you in San Francisco
Michael, Steph and Bruce
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