AGU Fall Meeting 2013 Session NH021. Remote Sensing of Natural Hazards
From: "Singh, Ramesh" <rsingh@xxxxxxxxxxx>AGU Fall Meeting 2013 Session NH021. Remote Sensing of Natural Hazards
Dear All,
Natural Hazards session, "NH021. Remote Sensing of Land-Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling associated with Natural Hazards" will be held in San Francisco during December 6-13, 2013.
All those who are interested to submit their abstracts related to Remote Sensing, Natural Hazards and Risk and influence of Land, Ocean, Atmosphere, Biosphere and Cryosphere for presentation are invited to submit their abstracts for oral and poster presentation. While submitting your abstract please specify, session no. “NH021”.
The dead line for the submission of abstract is August 6, 2013.
For members of the Developing countries, there are no abstract fees but you have to be a member of the AGU.
All others from Developed Countries, who are willing to submit their abstracts, they have to pay US$65 abstract fees and for student’s fees is US$35.
We welcome abstracts on all aspects of Natural Hazards. AGU is attended by 18000-20000 scientists, this is one the best scientific meeting and provides a good opportunity for networking and also provides an opportunity to job seekers.
We look forward to hear from you.
With best regards,
Ramesh Singh, DanLing Tang, Frank Rack and Yevgeniy Kontar
This session invites contributions from all geoscience communities dealing with remote sensing of Natural Hazards (Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Landslides, Hurricanes/Cyclones/Typhoons, Tsunami, Lightning, Dust storms, Tornadoes, Snow avalanches, Subsidence, Mudslides, Floods, Forest Fires) showing strong coupling between land-ocean-atmosphere processes responsible for changing planet Earth activities influencing human population, ecosystem, and natural resources. We invite papers dedicated to Earth system sustainability and cross-cutting activities addressing issues of the natural hazards and advancement of typology, data bases and modeling, as well as capacity building and stakeholder involvement. This session will be hosted by the AGU Natural Hazards Focus Group and the IUGG GeoRisk Commission.
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