NEMOH School in Bristol on "Forward Modelling of Volcanic Processes"
From: Alessandro Fornaciai <fornaciai@xxxxxxxxxx>NEMOH School in Bristol on "Forward Modelling of Volcanic Processes"
Dear All,
This is to announce the NEMOH School in Bristol on "Forward Modelling of Volcanic Processes". The school is organized in the frame of the Marie Curie ITN project NEMOH; it will be held from 18-22 September, 2013, in the School of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol, UK.
The school is aimed at early stage researchers and PhD students, and open to a limited number of participants other than NEMOH fellows. Such participants will be selected based on the relevance of the school for their current training and research activities.
The school Circular can be downloaded at:
For more information on NEMOH as well as on the NEMOH School in Bristol, please visit:
Best wishes and looking forward to welcoming you in Bristol,
Alessandro Fornaciai
NEMOH network administrator
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