Early-career scientists at IAVCEI 2013
From: "Vye-Brown, Charlotte L." <cvye@xxxxxxxxx>Early-career scientists at IAVCEI 2013
At the IAVCEI 2013 scientific assembly in Kagoshima next week there will be specific events for students and early-career scientists.
Early-career meeting point
Are you an early-career scientist? Is this your first IAVCEI meeting? Want to meet your peers? Drop by the IAVCEI Early Career Poster. We will be heading out for dinner every evening from this point after the science sessions.
Early-career evening event - July 21 19:00-20:30 Room A2
Open to all (there is no age limit!)
IAVCEI wants to hear the views of early-career scientists. Come along to have your say.
Network and hear from members of the IAVCEI community including:
Ray Cas - IAVCEI President
Greg Valentine - University of Buffalo
Kathy Cashman - University of Bristol
Charles Mandeville - USGS
Find out more about what IAVCEI does and what it can do for you.
After the event we will be heading out for dinner and drinks.
We look forward to seeing you at Kagoshima.
Charlotte Vye-Brown, Greg Valentine, Sam Poppe and Koji Kiyosugi
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