AGU Fall Meeting 2013 Session V042: Uncertainty Quantification in Natural Hazards Characterization
From: Peter Webley <pwebley@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>AGU Fall Meeting 2013 Session V042: Uncertainty Quantification in Natural Hazards Characterization
Dear Colleagues,
We are please to announce and encourage you to submit an abstract to the AGU session V042: Uncertainty Quantification in Natural Hazards Characterization. We look forward to seeing submissions from all the different co-sponsoring sections and for interesting discussions at the poster sessions.
See you there.
Session Description
Modeling has been used in characterization and mapping of natural hazards and hazards susceptibility for many decades now. Only recently has quantification of uncertainty in the modeling of natural hazards become increasingly important as computational power increases. Many characterizations of uncertainty have relied on well established Monte Carlo (MC) techniques of parameter space sampling, although new paradigms are starting to emerge in hazards analysis. Researchers from volcanology, and severe storm, landslide and flood analysis and other fields are welcomed to compare results from MC and novel methodologies to characterize uncertainty and properly develop three and four dimensional understanding of event probability.
Sponsoring Section: Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology (V)
Co-sponsoring Sections: Atmospheric Sciences (A), Hydrology (H, Natural Hazards (NH)
SWIRL: Characterizing Uncertainty
Marcus Bursik (University at Buffalo)
Abani Patra (University at Buffalo)
Peter Webley (University of Alaska, Fairbanks)
Remember Deadline: All abstract submissions must be received by 6 August 2013 at 23:59ET/3:59+1 GMT.
-- Peter Webley Geophysical Institute University of Alaska Fairbanks Fairbanks Alaska USA. 99775 Tel no: +1 907 474 1542 Fax no: +1 907 474 7290
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