AGU Fall Meeting: V035. Stress, strain and mass changes at volcanoes: using geodesy and seismology to interpret volcanic unrest
V035. Stress, strain and mass changes at volcanoes: using geodesy and seismology to interpret volcanic unrest
A main goal of current volcanological research is the identification of reliable precursors of an eruption, or changes in an ongoing eruption. The main goal of this session is to highlight a wide range of observations that may be linked to temporal changes in stress and strain and associated material properties at varying timescales on active volcanoes, including but not limited to temporal changes in seismicity, surface deformation, gas emissions, microgravity, self-potential, and hydrology. A second goal is to encourage discussion, refinement, and synthesis of models for the observed changes. We encourage contributions from both observational and theoretical perspectives and particularly studies that combine two or more techniques.
- Yosuke Aoki
University of Tokyo
yaoki@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - Maurizio Battaglia
University of Rome La Sapienza
mbattaglia@xxxxxxxx - Diana Roman
Carnegie Institute of Washington
droman@xxxxxxxxxxx - Kyle Anderson
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
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