AGU Session V040: The End-Permian Environmental Crisis: Observations, Data and Models
We invite you to submit an abstract to the following AGU Fall Meeting session
V040: The End-Permian Environmental Crisis: Observations, Data and Models
The End-Permian is Earth's most severe extinction event and is associated with rapid global warming, perturbation of the carbon cycle, and oceanic acidification. The Siberian Traps LIP is commonly invoked as the main trigger. In this session, we invite a broad range of contributions with focus on the end-Permian and early Triassic including:
- plate-tectonics and geodynamics
- rates, dates and chemical evolution of magmatism
- volumes and geochemistry of volcanic and metamorphic gases
- geochemical and environmental changes
- climate evolution: data and models
- paleobiology of extinction and recovery
We encourage experts from disparate fields to share new ideas to understand this singular event in Earth history.
Sverre Planke (CEED, Univ. of Oslo)
Samuel Bowring (MIT)
Linda Elkins-Tanton (Carnegie Inst. for Science)
Henrik Svensen (CEED, Univ. of Oslo)
Abstract deadline: 6 August 2013
Meeting dates: 9-13 December 2013 in San Francisco, USA (
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