Dear Colleagues,
Please find below the First Circular for the AVCOR 2013 Workshop on
Active Volcanism & Continental Rifting
with special focus on the Kivu rift zone
GISENYI (Rwanda) November 12 – 15, 2013
Workshop Topics:
· Geodesy, ground deformation measurements and modeling of deformations associated to volcanic, tectonic or landslide activity
· Geochemistry, volcanic plume, rock and water
· Geomorphology, structural aspects
· Seismology, tectonic activity and volcano related seismology
· Volcano monitoring (remote sensing, ground based techniques…)
· Geohazards versus stratified lake stability
· Hazards, risk, vulnerability assessment and society issues
· Environmental challenges in the specific context of geohazards management
In November 2007, the European Centre for Geodynamics and Seismology (Luxemburg) and the Royal Museum for Central Africa (Belgium) co-organized the first AVCOR (Active Volcanism & Continental Rifting) meeting with a special focus on the Virunga (North Kivu, DR of Congo). After the success of this first edition, a second AVCOR meeting is scheduled in November 2013. The workshop’s main scope is to gather East African Rift (EAR) experts from various disciplines (geology, volcanology, geodesy, geodynamics, seismology, geography) in order to review the state of the knowledge about active volcanism and continental rifting, as well as the use of modern modeling approaches and observational techniques such as remote sensing, radar interferometry, GPS, geochemistry etc.
A special focus will target the Kivu rift area, which is one of the denser populated areas of Africa, facing large socio-economic development challenges. The scientific community involved in that area is strongly concerned by these challenges raising the global risk at a high level, and is more and more committed in the assessment of the potential impacts of geohazards (devastating volcanic eruptions, moderate though destructive earthquakes, recurrent landslides, mudflows, stratified lake with dissolved gas). These threats not only heavily weight on the population and infrastructures, but also on investments of the States and the private sector for edging industrial projects (gas extraction from lake Kivu, geothermy, hydropower, oil exploration). There is today a growing awareness and attention on the interrelationships between geohazards issues and the societal challenges. AVCOR will contribute to determine how all these parameters need to be integrated for supporting a global approach for an integrated development at a sub-continental scale.
F. Kervyn, C. Michellier, Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA). Belgium
N. d’Oreye, B. Smets, National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) / European Center for Geodynamic and Seismology (ECGS). Luxemburg
A. Umutoni, U. Rutagarama, Energy Water and Sanitation Authority (EWSA). Rwanda
K. Karume, Goma Volcanological Observatory (GVO). Democratic Republic of Congo
A. Ayele, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
E. Calais, Laboratoire de Géologie de l’Ecole normale supérieure, Fr
S. Carn, Michigan Technological University, USA
D. Delvaux, Royal Museum for Centr. Afr., Belgium
C. Ebinger, Univ. of Rochester, USA
F. Kervyn, Royal Museum for Centr. Afr., Belgium
K. Karume, Goma Volc. Observatory, DRC
G. Mavonga, Goma Volc. Observatory, DRC
N. d'Oreye, Nat. Mus. of Nat. History, Lux./ Europ. Centr. for Geodyn. And Seismology, Luxemburg
N. Pagliuca, Ist.Nat. di Geof. E Vulcanologia, Italy
P. Pigeon, Univ. Savoie, France
C. Scholz, Syracuse University, USA (TBC)
D. Tedesco, Univ. of Napoli 2, Italy
T. Wright, Univ of Leeds, UK
G. Yirgu, Univ. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
· The European Union (EU-DEVCO E1)
· The Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries (ECGLC)
· La Direction générale Coopération belge au développement et Aide humanitaire (DGD)
· The Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO)
· The International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI)
· United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
· The National Museum of Natural History, Lux. (NMNH)
· The Royal Museum for Central Africa, B. (RMCA)
Accommodation: Gisenyi (Rwanda)
Language: English (translation in French is foreseen)
Registration is mandatory: Free of charge for all the participants
Grants: a significant number of grants is available covering travel, hotel and meals
Number of participants will be limited.
Application via the website http://avcor2013.africamuseum.be
before September 30th. REGISTER NOW!
This second AVCOR meeting will be held in Gisenyi, the capital of Rubavu district, in the Western Province of Rwanda. Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, is connected by direct flights to/from Europe and several African cities. The 3-hour drive from Kigali to Gisenyi will be arranged by the organizer. All range of accommodation facilities are available in town.
Gisenyi is located within the Kivu rift, on the lake Kivu coast and within the Virunga Volcanic Province. It offers an interesting geological context for the concerned topics.
August 1, 2013: Second Circular
September 30, 2013: Registration deadline
September 30, 2013: Abstract submission deadline
October 18, 2013: Authors notification
October 25, 2013: Final program is issued
November 12 – 15, 2013: Workshop
Submission via the website http://avcor2013.africamuseum.be
Title: 200 characters (incl. spaces)
Length: 500 words + 2 max. figures (pdf format).
The abstracts volume will be distributed at workshop registration and will be accessible online through the AVCOR webpage.
Extended proceedings and related papers will be published in a Special Issue of the Journal of African Earth Sciences.
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