PhD surtseyan volcanism, based Otago NZ
PhD project on surtseyan volcanism – Eruptions of basaltic magma at shelfal water depths produce volcanoes that commonly grow to the water surface to become emergent. Two surtseyan volcanoes in the western USA have been the topic of a recent Otago PhD, and are now ready for a new suite of largely laboratory-based study designed to establish globally the key eruptive processes of shallow subaqueously formed basaltic volcanoes. A small amount of fieldwork will extend sampling from the volcanoes to more distal ash sheets, and laboratory work will build on 2-dimensional quantitative vesicularity analysis by subjecting the same samples to micro-Computed Tomography (uCT) and FTIR analysis, to assess magma permeability and retained volatile content, respectively. Arrangements are in place to allow coupling of this work with new analyses of tephra from Surtsey and its unique drill core. Other related work is focused on outcrops of a number of surtseyan volcanoes in Oligocene sequences near Dunedin, focusing both on the pyroclastic rocks themselves and on the sedimentary/oceanographic setting into which they erupted.
Support is available through University of Otago PhD scholarships, by competitive application, for students with ~ "A" averages (~3.75 GPA) at Masters or Honours level.
Contact James White for further information (
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