GEOITALIA 2013, session E4: Geometry and mechanisms of emplacement of magma intrusions at volcanoes and implications for geological hazards
From: "claudia.corazzato" <claudia.corazzato@xxxxxxxxx>GEOITALIA 2013, session E4: Geometry and mechanisms of emplacement of magma intrusions at volcanoes and implications for geological hazards
Dear colleagues,
we wish to invite you to submit your contributions to our session NATURAL HAZARDS - E4 “Geometry and mechanisms of emplacement of magma intrusions at volcanoes and implications for geological hazard” in the framework of the forthcoming Italian forum of Earth Sciences GEOITALIA 2013 (Geosciences for the Society) (http://www.geoitalia2013.it/). The Assembly will be held in Pisa (Italy) from 16 to 18 September 2013.
The deadline for submitting your abstract is 15 June 2013.
First circular: http://www.geoitalia2013.it/index.php/prima-circolare
Registration: https://geoitalia2013.cineca.it/php5/author/pres_reg_form.php
Instructions for abstract submission: http://www.geoitalia2013.it/index.php/component/content/article/8-geoitalia2013/18-norme
NATURAL HAZARDS - Session E4. Geometry and mechanisms of emplacement of magma intrusions at volcanoes and implications for geological hazard
Conveners: Claudia Corazzato, Federico Pasquaré
The session is designed to illustrate and analyze the processes and mechanisms of magma intrusion within volcanic edifices, with the purpose of understanding the factors controlling magma migration and storage through dykes, inclined sheets, sills, laccoliths, and the opening of fractures and eruptive vents at the surface. Proposed talks will focus on every aspect related to the emplacement of magma intrusion both at ancient, eroded sub-volcanic successions and active volcanoes; contributions will illustrate the outcome of field research as well as analogue and numerical modeling efforts. Among the possible topics, emphasis will be placed on geo-structural research on sub-volcanic sequences aimed at reconstructing the geometry of magma-feeding systems; contributions will also deal with the analysis of the role played by intrusions in affecting volcanic topography and the stress field, with geological hazard implications such as the opening of eruptive fissures and the triggering of gravitational instability processes at active volcanoes.
Best regards,
Claudia Corazzato
Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Ambiente e del Territorio e di Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Milano. claudia.corazzato@xxxxxxxxx
Federico Pasquaré
Dipartimento di Scienze Teoriche e Applicate, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Varese.
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