Call for Visiting Professor - ETHZ
From: "Bachmann Olivier" <olivier.bachmann@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
ETHZ - Department of Earth Sciences
Call For Visiting Professors
The Department of Earth Sciences invites applications for visiting professors. The program provides financial support for up to six months, sufficient to generously cover any additional costs occurring during a sabbatical at Zurich. In exchange, visiting professors are required to give a full class/course at the Bachelors, Masters or PhD-level to be taught either as a semester course or as a block course. Applications are welcome at any time, preferentially a year in advance of the planned sabbatical. The department will typically grant three visiting professorships/year.
The available positions are assigned through a competitive selection procedure based on the quality of the applicants' curricula, the added value to the department, and research experience.
The applications will be evaluated within two months. Applications should include a statement of research interest, an extended CV. They also must specifically describe the proposed course. Applications and general inquiries should be sent electronically (with attachments) to Christophe Schneble at cs@xxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:cs@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Prof. Olivier Bachmann
Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology
Department of Earth Sciences
ETH Zurich
Clausiusstrasse 25, NW E 83.3
8092 Zurich
Ph:+41 44 632 78 16
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